Layered breakfast: homemade granola, chia pudding and nice cream

Layered breakfast: homemade granola, chia pudding and nice cream

I just love my blog! Although I have devoted an enormous amount of time into writing travel stories, recipes, translations and photographs, every moment spent on this website is incredibly fulfilling and makes me very happy. I haven’t been working with such dedication and joy for a long time, and I simply forgot what it means to love your job. Today I made my first video recipe for layered breakfast and, impatient as I am, I had to immediately share it with you. Although I made and edited a lot of videos before, making my first video recipe was incredibly fun and I enjoyed every moment of it. I know there’s a lot more I should improve, image quality, maybe even a shooting angle, but considering this is the first one, I’m sure this video will be my favorite.
I wanted to make at least five recipes today so I could shoot, edit and share them with you, but unfortunately I do not have so much time, so I will have to slow down 🙂
Anyway, I hope you like my first video and I promise there’ll be more soon.


Chia pudding:


  • 1 cup hazelnut milk
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 3 tablespoons chia seeds


  1. Pour milk into an airtight container.
  2. Add maple syrup and chia seeds and mix well.
  3. Leave it in the fridge overnight.

Banana nice cream


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 handful fresh raspberries
  • 1 tablespoon rice coconut milk


  1. Put the frozen banana into a food processor and process until creamy.
  2. Add raspberries and milk and process just a bit more.

First layer: 3 tablespoons homemade granola

Second layer: 1/3 cup chia pudding

Third layer: 3 tablespoons homemade granola

Fourth layer:  1/3 cup chia pudding

Fifth layer: Banana raspberry nice cream

Top with fresh raspberries and chocolate chunks.

Photo: Jovana Kostić

Photo: Jovana Kostić


Layered breakfast: homemade granola, chia pudding and nice cream
Chia pudding:
  • 1 cup hazelnut milk
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 3 tablespoons chia seeds
Banana nice cream:
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 handful fresh raspberries
  • 1 tablespoon rice coconut milk
Chia pudding:
  1. Pour milk into an airtight container.
  2. Add maple syrup and chia seeds and mix well.
  3. Leave it in the fridge overnight.
Banana nice cream
  1. Put the frozen banana into a food processor and process until creamy.
  2. Add raspberries and milk and process just a bit more.
First layer: 3 tablespoons homemade granola
Second layer: ⅓ cup chia pudding
Third layer: 3 tablespoons homemade granola
Fourth layer:  1/3 cup chia pudding
Fifth layer: Banana raspberry nice cream
Top with fresh raspberries and chocolate chunks.
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