Do you regularly exercise? I realy hope you are not looking for excuses to skip going to the gym or jogging. I’m a very dynamic person and I get bored easily so going to the gym without any special plan of exercising means I’ll try to skip it. But, going to a group class is a different thing. First of all, the time flies so fast when you are exercising in a group that you hardly notice it and more importantly, after this kind of training I really feel like I exercised. These trainings are normally in the evening so I’m…
I want to write about it, I start writing, then I stop, I read what I wrote and then, dissatisfied with the result, I delete everything. I write again, read and delete…I’m not satisfied because it is difficult for me to find the right words to describe that perfection which helped me so many times to deal with stress and sadness. Yes, I’m talking about chocolate, as you can all imagine. Nowadays we can easily choose what to eat and buy and we have such a variety of choice, but big companies, in order to earn more money, start to offer…
Today I went back to Amsterdam. I’m so in love with that city that I often return there and wander its streets in my thoughts. I watch the buildings and I get transported to XVII century Amsterdam, I’m trying to imagine how it looked like back then while I’m trying to avoid the cyclists who are coming towards me without any intention to slow down. And then, when I get tired of wandering the streets, I go to a small vegan café with a huge shop window that overlooks the canal and I enjoy a huge piece of vegan Snickers cake. Mmm, what a…