Roermond dressed in autumn colours

Roermond dressed in autumn colours

I have to admit that, during last six months, I haven’t been as inspired and motivated as before and that’s why I didn’t write and post content like I used to. And it’s not that I didn’t want to write and travel, rather the opposite, I daydreamed about faraway destinations and guides I’ll write some day. But my life has changed a lot in the last months so I had to make some important decisions. And now I’m writing this post from the Netherlands, the country I was so afraid of as my future home. And now I don’t know why I was so afraid because this country is amazing, modern, clean and people are friendly (at least the ones I met until now) and everyone speaks English which is very important to me as I don’t speak a word of Dutch. I have already written about the Netherlands and how much I like their architecture, beautifully decorated houses and such a variety of organic food and now is time for me to start writing about my everyday life here which some of you might find interesting and you can maybe learn some new things you didn’t know about this country.
I’ve been here for 10 days now and last weekend I went to a small town called Roermond in the southeastern part of the country, situated only 45km from Eindhoven. Although it is an historically important town at the left bank of the Meuse river, today it is mainly known for its huge designer outlet called Mc Arthur Glen, situated in its historic centre. Beautiful open air outlet, with more than 200 shops, attracts not only people from neighbour countries but also tourists from all over the world. And if you decide to visit the town after the shopping, don’t miss its two churches, St. Christopher Cathedral and Roermond Minster.
This small town really is an ideal destination for a lazy Saturday or Sunday shopping and sightseeing and, if you ever come to this part of the Netherlands, don’t miss a visit to Roermond, you will love it.

Photo: Jovana Kostić

Photo: Jovana Kostić


Photo: Jovana Kostić


Photo: Jovana Kostić

Photo: Jovana Kostić

Photo: Jovana Kostić

Photo: Jovana Kostić

Photo: Jovana Kostić

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  1. November 17, 2017 / 4:45 am

    Posts and photos like these remind me why I love Europe so much. I used to live in Groningen for a semester, and while I haven’t seen much of the Netherlands—apart from my town, there was only Amsterdam that I visited—I really loved its architecture. Just make sure you remain cheerful during the winter, which can be a challenge. 🙂

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    • November 17, 2017 / 1:59 pm

      Yes, Europe has so many amazing places that one life might not be enough to visit them all 🙂 I also love Amsterdam so much! And I can imagine cold and grey winter here but I’m expecting my baby in January so I guess I won’t have so much time to focus on weather 🙂

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  2. nevenackonjevic
    November 29, 2017 / 8:13 pm

    Lovely! <3 Amazing place and beautiful photos!

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    • December 3, 2017 / 12:45 pm

      Thank you so much!

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