I want to write about it, I start writing, then I stop, I read what I wrote and then, dissatisfied with the result, I delete everything. I write again, read and delete…I’m not satisfied because it is difficult for me to find the right words to describe that perfection which helped me so many times to deal with stress and sadness. Yes, I’m talking about chocolate, as you can all imagine. Nowadays we can easily choose what to eat and buy and we have such a variety of choice, but big companies, in order to earn more money, start to offer…
I didn’t have anything sweet at home today, which is pretty strange for me. I always have something in my kitchen cabinets or in my fridge. Actually, I had a date spread I made couple of days ago and I had bananas I bought yesterday. I was thinking: “What can I make with a date spread and bananas?” And…Bingo! Healthy snickers bites! Sounds so delicious, and believe me – It is! There is something about that combination of banana, date spread, peanuts and chocolate that I love! These bites are practically irresistible. I just whatsapped my husband, sent him a picture of…
Granola is something I always like to have in my kitchen. It’s delicious, healthy and great to combine with all sorts of ingredients. You can combine it with overnight oats, chia pudding, yoghurt, milk and fruits. Even when I travel, I bring a jar of homemade granola with me to have for breakfast cause you never know what kind of breakfast you’ll have in your hotel. Sometimes there are some healthy options, but sometimes you can only have bread, croissants or cakes and that’s really not something I’d eat for breakfast. Better safe than sorry, I always say. Even if I…
Who doesn’t like chocolate? Very few people, I guess. If I could speak for all the women in the world, I would say no one. Is it possible not to like that perfection that has so many times helped us to get over a failed exam, love crisis or a bad day at work? But I know there are girls and women out there who just don’t share my love for chocolate and that’s ok. Some people just don’t like sweet taste and some just avoid it because of so many times mentioned guilt, so common to women and which doesn’t…